The information in this section is intended for the official use of ERSGA employers.

In order to protect the privacy of ERSGA member records, access to this section is limited to reporting officials and other key staff designated for Employer reporting.

Enter you User ID and Password


Forgot User ID or Password?

Remember, your employees can’t receive their benefits upon termination until their records are up-to-date and accurate.

Timely and accurate reporting includes:

  • Timely enrollment with pension deduction
  • Timely reporting of terminations (including date and reason)
  • Remit and report no later than the 1st of each month

Selecting a New Payroll Vendor? Follow the procedures below:

  • Ensure the vendor has the latest file layout from ERS
    • Salary or Active Member File Layout
    • Rehired Retiree File Layout
    • GASB 67 Compliance File Layout
  • Confirm the vendor can create the file for your employees
  • Schedule a conference call with the new vendor and ERSGA to review file layout, discuss questions, and provide payroll vendor contact information
  • Agree to testing schedule
  • Agree on a production date